FR | EN | AR
Children's Hospital Access Traffic Studies.
Execution studies of crossing work on Wadi Chaouat on NR7.
Execution studies of bridge on Wadi El Baten.
SD, DD, and TD studies files relating for the construction of 2x3 lane road on National Road 7.
Detailed preliminary design and execution studies for 140 km of roads.
Technical, socio-economic, environmental, social and TD studies.
SD, DD and TD studies of the bridge and the related road.
Execution studies for the SFAX-GABES motorway diversion on the RN2.
Detailed technical studies of the Kaga Bandoro – Mbres – Bamingui road.
In-depth inspection of structures in the governorate of Zaghouan.
SD, DD, and TD studies of the bridge.
DS , DD and TD studies of the bridge over Wadi Besmat Manouba .
Mission of Monitoring and Technical Assistance for the execution of bridges and amelioration of the route on the RR118.
The mission of Monitoring and Technical Assistance of the Realization of a bridge over Wadi SHADDAD at PK 155 of the RN4.
The mission of Control, Follow-up, and Technical Assistance of the works of construction of a bridge over Wadi AGUEREB.
Detailed technical studies for the construction of an interchange at the level of access to the OACA.